Thursday 18 December 2014

Installing fog lamps to Hyundai eon

Installing fog lamps to Hyundai eon

So in this post I will show you how to install fog lamps or fog lights to your Hyundai eon. Fog lamps are purchasable in the market for around 1000 INR or could be ordered online for just 800 INR. So let’s get started

Following is the list of things that you will need for this modification.
1. A pair of screwdrivers
2. A sharp cutting tool such as a knife
3. A Pair of Eon fog lamps
4. 8 pcs screw
5. Wire
6. Switch
7. Patience

Step 1

Firstly you need to cut into your bumper where the fog lamps are to be fitted this could be done with the help of a sharp knife or a small saw

A pair of fog lamps

Cutting of the slot for fog lamps

Once both your fog lamps slots are cut you will have to remove the bottom part of the bumper to get access to the cut slot(Image below). This is done so that u can screw the fog lamps into place (Image below)

Image 3 bumper screw removal

4 slot of screws

Step 3

Once you have screwed the fog light into place you have to do the same thing to the other fog lamp once done you will have to get you electric connection. For that you could follow the circuit diagram below. I would suggest first you try out the circuit before screwing in the fog lamps. Check the positives and the negative beforehand and for ease of understanding use a red wire for positive and a black wire for negative
Explanation of the circuit
Once u have fitted both the fog lights in place and have connected the fog lights positive wire to the other fog lights positive u need to connect one negative to ground (image below) and the other other end to the switch and one wire from the battery or the positive will go to the switch to complete the circuit.

Circuit of the lamps

Base and positive

Step 4

Now that you have two wires one from the battery positive and the other being the fog lamp wire you need to take the wire from your bonnet into the cabin and so u need to pass it thought the hole shown in the image(red circle) below now u need to connect it to a switch so that u can switch it on and off as and when required

Well there you go you have successful complete fixing the fog light on you Hyundai eon
Hope I was helpful

I will be back soon with a new do it your self-modification for your eon

Thursday 9 October 2014

Changing Hyunai EON rear indicator bulb modification/replacement

So in this post i show you how to change the bulb of your hyundai eon car.The reason why i am doing this modification is that because i want to change my rear indicator lights to white where as the stock light is orange.
following is the list of things that you will need for this modification/replacement.
1. A screwdriver.
2. A pair of replacement bulbs as in my case it is white LED's.
3. Patience.
Lets Get Started

Step 1

The first step is to remove the four screws using a screwdriver that are circled in the image below. removing them will give you access to the inner wiring and the bulb holders for the rear light unit.

Circled in Red are the screws that need to be removed.

Step 2

Once you remove the four screws on the opposite side of the screws are two pins on either of the back light unit that need to be removed from their slot to get to the bulb holders. Gently remove them from the slot to access the bulb holders. The image below shows you where you can find the pins on the back light unit.
Do not use too much force to remove the pins as it could damage your back light unit  


In the image below the blue circles indicate the pin holders and the red circles indicate the screw holders.

Step 3

In the image below the blue circles indicate the pins.The image on the left has a stock orange bulb that is factory fitted. The image on the right has a white bulb that is fitted by me.
Left image has an Orange indicator and the Right image has a White indicator

Step 4

Once you have changed the bulbs to either white or have replace it with new orange ones you have to put back the back light unit as it should be so first make sure that the pins fit in properly and then tighten the screws and your DONE.
Left indicator is white and the right indicator is stock orange.

Both indicators are white.
I do no know if it is allowed to have white indicators in your county or not. I have seen white indicators being used in many cars here in India and so i also went on to change them. So if you have the appetite for Risk go in for this modification.

Hope i was helpful   
will be back soon with a new do it your self modification for your Eon 

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